Stop Squeaking Orthotics
Stop Your Orthotics From Squeaking: Four Easy Solutions
Squeaking caused by custom orthotic inserts is a common problem for many wearers. Podiatrists have discovered many solutions over the years to help remedy the problem. Here are some of our favorites:
Use a Dryer Sheet
Cut a piece of dryer sheet into the shape of your orthotic insert and place it under your insert. Place the insert back into your shoe (on top of its existing insole) and the friction should be reduced enough to stop your squeaking orthotics. (Included with every pair of Corefit Orthotics.)
Dust the Tops and Bottoms of your Orthotic Inserts with Corn Starch or Talcum Powder.
Generously sprinkling corn starch or powder inside the bottom of the shoe and placing the orthotic insoles back inside can help reduce the friction and stop the squeaking. It doesn’t always work, and you may have to keep re-dusting them.
Apply Velcro to the Bottom of Your Orthotics
Generally speaking, squeaking orthotics are caused by movement of the orthotic in the shoe. Placing something underneath can minimize that movement, and the noise. Try sticking a strip of velcro tape, furry side up, on the inside of your shoe base of your shoe. Then, stick a second piece under the base of the orthotic insert at the point you can feel the movement or gap. When both are sticking together, your squeaking should stop.
Moleskin to the Rescue
If squeaking occurs at the heel, stick a square of Dr. Scholl’s Moleskin to the bottom of your shoe. It helps cushion the orthotic and can help stop the problem.
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